spotland community association

A registered charity to help and support communities around Spotland and Lower Falinge

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Our Mission Statement

Working with local residents to create a stronger and sustainable community environment.

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Excellent Community Projects

A wide range of diverse projects.

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Dedicated Staff

Join the Spotland community by getting in touch with our friendly staff

About us

Spotland Community Association is a registered charity which works with disadvantaged & deprived communities of Rochdale - providing support, advice & guidance around welfare rights/ benefits, education & training and social inclusion activities to improve the overall quality of life. The charity started back in 1996 and has continued ever since. We work with all age groups delivering projects and services for the youth & adults through our educational programmes and training .


Spotland Community Association (SCA) is excited to announce its new "SPOTLAND HUB" project. This is a partnership with the The Big Lottery Community Fund. This project will provide FREE Bilingual Benefits & Welfare advice. We will also be providing more assistance for Asylum Seekers/Refugees in the area, helping them integrate into society better. Finally we are looking at running a "Pop-up Cafe" so that service users can use the cafe to engage with others and make new friends.

We hope that the SPOTLAND HUB can act as a focal point for the local community and act as a one-stop-shop providing a greater variety of service. SCC is working hard with its partners to eliminate social isolation and loneliness - watch this space for futher updates/photos

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Spotland Community Association (SCA) is delighted to announce the extension of our WELFARE AND ADDVICE SERVICE project. This project will provide FREE bilingual service in partnership with Action Together. The help we provide is for residents who cannot complete their benefit applications either online or paper applications. Thos who struggle with the English language can also seek our assistance to complete their paperwork

SCC is now extending this service and has set up a Home Visit service where staff will assist those who cannot visit the centre for various reasons. The service will be offered to all residents in the local area.

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image of spotland community centre building

Our Services

The groups we work with have increased over the years now covering refugees/asylum seekers, lone parents, people who have married into the UK and have come over as a spouse, young offenders, ex-substance users, BME community and domestic violence victims. We have always tried to create an open-door policy for all and have always focused on eliminating multiple barriers and help individuals cope with high levels of deprivation and unemployment in the area.


Smart Hub

smart hub project poster

Improve your digital skills

Learn More

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If you have any issues you would like to discuss with your local councillor then please contact the centre.

Our History

Spotland Community Association was established in 1971, became a company limited by guarantee in 1988 and a registered charity in 1996. With almost 40 years of history, we have grown from strength to strength – based in the heart of the community to deliver much needed services and projects in the Spotland and Falinge ward.

Our Aims

  • To advance education, skills and knowledge of local residents through providing training, courses and delivery of projects.
  • To provide facilities in the interest of social welfare, recreation and leisure time occupation within the objective of improving the quality of life.
  • To improve the health and wellbeing of local residents of Rochdale and help relieve conditions of ill health and poverty.

Meet the staff

Asghar Ali



Wajid Mahmood

ICT Tutor


Javed Akhtar

Benefits & Welfare Advisor

Telephone: 07947527762

Some of our partners


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Contact Us

Our Details

Telephone: 01706 354151

Address: 92 - 96 Spotland Road
OL12 6PJ